December 29th Ladysmith Lights

Finally a night without rain four members went out to photograph the lights in Ladysmith before they are gone until November 2020. There are many new lights this year and it was fun as always to see what we could do for a different look.

November 28th Ladysmith Lightup
One member went to the successful Ladysmith Lightup and sent in some great photographs of which I am including three hoping to inspire our members to photograph the event next year.

October 27 2019 Ladysmith

A bright sunny Sunday afternoon was promised and 8 members met in Ladysmith for a walk around exploring colour in square format or to capture anything which caught their eye. Everyone scattered looking for interesting corners in our small town which has resulted in an eclectic range of photos. Enjoy and pick up ideas.

October 8 2019 ~ Downtown Duncan

A break in the weather with sun but unfortunately with very short notice only three members came out to experiment with square or 1:1 format in downtown Duncan. Even though we were photographing in a very small area the three of us deemed it a useful expedition to explore something new and get a few creative ideas. Check out Sue’s Member gallery for a few more of her images.

September 28, 2019 ~ Wolf Walk

Thirteen members met at the Nanaimo River Fish Hatchery almost before sun rise. After a brief introduction to Tundra, a twelve year old female wolf from the Swell Wolf Education Centre, who apparently will not stay still and pose perfectly we were off on a leisurely walk through the woods. Tundra is an educational ambassador for the valuable role of wolves in our environment. There were a lot of stops for photo opportunities featuring Tundra but it is an understatement to say the light was challenging. As an extra some members managed to grab a few shots of perfect reflections of fall colours in a still pond in addition to Tundra.

July 14, 2019 ~ Brits on the Beach

Brits on the Beach is one of the largest showings of British cars on the island. Again it was well tended with over 200 British cars, Morgans, MGs, Bentleys, Rolls Royces, Jaguars, Minis, Lotus, Triumphs and many more. It is a very difficult event to photograph because of the shear number of cars in a small space at Transfer Beach.

June 8, 2019 ~ The Classics Car Show

This is an annual car show held in midtown Chemainus. The location is not on one of the main streets but a small side street that is crowded with a variety of vehicles. On display were muscle cars, hot rods, vintage vehicles and rat rods. It is a fun display with something for everyone.

May 5, 2019 ~ Glass on the Grass ~ Victoria Corvettes

It is May and summer has arrived bringing out the Corvettes to enjoy the hot sunny weather at Transfer Beach. This was an opportunity not to be missed by our club to capture the cars as well as the amazing design details on this shiny collection dating from a 1959 classic to the newest 2019 model. It was hard to photograph without reflections in the paintwork. Alternatively work with it and just go for the reflections in the paintwork in a detail image. So many possibilities to explore.

March 30, 2019 ~ Nanaimo Waterfront Walk

Another perfect day to be out shooting. Two of our newest members plus one late arrival turned up to walk the Nanaimo Waterfront, Maffeo – Sutton Park, Swy-A-Lana Lagoon, and the Boat Basin, on Saturday. There was a variety of subjects to photograph from people, pets, landscape, airplanes, boats including the new spill response boats, architecture, sculptures, flowers and birds. It was a great exercise to pick something out from what was on offer.

Cowichan Bay Estuary ~ February 25th

Another photo walkabout on a cold sunny day…actually a really, really chilly day with the brisk wind that was whistling through the Cowichan Bay Estuary. Seven brave souls turned up camera in hand and most managed to stay while we were at the estuary. There were a number of bufflehead ducks, a couple of green teals and one large mute swan who posed majestically. Also the water and old pilings add interest to any photograph. Cowichan Bay Village and Docks are a very eclectic place to photograph with a lot of eye candy on display…you just have to spot it which is always good practice.

Duncan Walkabout ~ February 5th

Lured by sunshine and bright blue skies, five members braved the promised cold which became a balmy 7 degrees. We were all well rewarded with bright colours, funky buildings, totems and interesting nooks in downtown Duncan. Everyone agreed Duncan is a spot well worth another exploration possibly at night as well as daytime. We all obtained very different photos.