Photo Submissions (Members Only Please)
To foster the greatest participation, members in 2017 may submit images in four categories:
- Monthly “Theme” Category. Each month, members may submit 1 image in the assigned theme for that month. The Theme images are presented at the meeting where the members may select the image which best meets the criteria for both title and topic. The top scoring image is submitted for publication in the Ladysmith Chronicle. Theme images and the winners are also published on the club website.
- Monthly “Open” Category. Each month, members may also submit up to 2 images on any subject of their choosing for presentation. The Open category is great for getting feedback, suggestions for improvement, to show an interesting technique, etc. Makers will be asked to say a few words about their images (the subject, the motivation, the shooting details, etc.). Open images are published on the club website
- Personal Galleries. Members may also submit images to their personal gallery on the website.
Submitting to the Theme and Open Categories
To submit photos for the Theme and Open categories, send your photos as email attachments to: You can click on the link to automatically open your email program.
Image size, format: The preferred size is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high, which is the display setting of our new projector. If possible, please re-size large images to fit within 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. We have some instructions for re-sizing files. The file format is JPG/JPEG. Use your highest JPEG quality setting.
File names: Please rename your image files to the following format:
NOTE: Please use an underscore rather than a hyphen. Also, just use the word “Theme” and “Open”, not the actual theme topic.
Here are some examples:
Theme_Martha Stewart_My favourite Christmas ornament Open_Denny Crane_A whopping big fish
The easiest way to do this is to right click on the photo and select ‘Rename’ in the drop down menu. If you do not want overwrite the current name of your photo, make a copy of the photo and rename the copy, then delete the renamed file after you have sent it. Thank you, this really helps a lot.
Submission deadline: The submission deadline is the Sunday 5:00 pm before the Tuesday meeting.
Submitting to Personal Galleries
Please email your images directly to Pat Haugen at and not to